Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Figs on February Fourteenth

While the semester is still young, it seems like I have been busier than ever!  I am not crazy about Valentine's Day, but I definitely do not hate it and still wanted to do something with my boyfriend, Nick, on Tuesday evening.  I had school and work, so we opted for a late, casual dinner at Todd English's Figs on Charles Street. 

We kept things informal, but I still wanted to dress for the holiday.  I decided a casual dress and some boots would be a good option.  Luckily, a couple weeks ago I bought a perfect dress for the occasion.

 Forever 21 dress, Steve Madden boots, Madewell thigh-high socks, 
Ralph Lauren gold necklace and gold studs, Madewell gold bangles

After school, work, and my late dinner date, I still had homework to do, but it was nice to take part of the evening to celebrate the fun of February 14th.