Thursday, February 9, 2012

Double Stuf Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

For weeks, my boyfriend has been asking (begging) me to make cookies...chocolate chip cookies with an Oreo in the middle, to be exact.  Over the weekend, I gave into his request and we were both pleased with the results.

These are just as easy to make as any homemade chocolate chip cookies, but the final product is a subtle spin on an old classic.  I found the recipe here, though you can take your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, put the dough around an Oreo, and end up with the same deliciousness.

With a glass of milk, these were the perfect snack for a Sunday evening!
*One piece of advice:  the recipe says to use a "scoop" of cookie dough on each side of the Oreo.  A picture shows an ice cream scoop being used on each side of the cookie, so I followed the picture.  I ended up with a batch of 8 cookies the size of a baby's head.  Next time, I would use enough cookie dough to just cover the Oreo, and I suggest you do the same! This will cut down on the baking time and give you more cookies.


  1. Yum, those look and sound delicious!! I'll have to try them. I'll take your advise because I do not want cookies the size of a baby's head...hahaha!!

  2. I am going to make these, great find on the recipe.

  3. Patrick - you should, they were great! Definitely heed my advice, though, and make them'll be much happier with the results!
